
August 29, 2021

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29 August
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
14th Sunday after Pentecost

Ordinary Form
Deuteronomy 4,1-2.6-8
Psalm 15,2-3.3-4.4-5
James 1,17-18.21b-22.27
Mark 7,1-8.14-15.21-23

Extraordinary Form
Galatians 5,16-24
Psalm 117,8-9
Matthew 6,24-33

Some Fatherly Advice as your Begin a New Adventure

Pray to God every day more simply, more generously, more lovingly and more courageously than you did last year.

Faithfully participate in Sunday Mass, especially when you feel unworthy and most especially when you are unsure what you believe anymore.

Remember the difference between friends and acquaintances. Be very selective about those to whom you entrust your confidence.

Be honest always. Be totally candid seldom.

Be kind to and on guard with your enemies. Do not pretend you have no enemies.

Hold others accountable without holding grudges. Be willing to forgive others when they apologize sincerely.

Pray to Our Lady, St. Michael and your Guardian Angel to protect you from the Evil One and all the fallen angels, who are always trying to bring about your ruin.

Never speak to demons.

Have nothing to do with people deliberately breaking the Ten Commandments.

Avoid people who use the word “party” as a verb.

Hug your mom and dad every chance you get.

Get out to see the stars.

Rev. Christopher J. Pollard