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State of the Commonwealth:
The Good Word

The teachings of the Popes on Natural Law, the Social Order and the Common Good.

Caritas in Veritate
On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth
Pope Benedict XVI

Centesimus Annus
On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum
Pope John Paul II
1 May 1991

Soliicitudo Rei Socialis
For the Twentieth Anniversary of Populorum Progressio
Pope John Paul II
30 December 1987

Laborem Exercens
On Human Work
Pope John Paul II
14 September 1981

Octogesima Adveniens
On the Eightieth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum
Pope Paul VI
14 May 1971

Populorum Progressio
On the Development of Peoples
Pope Paul VI
26 March 1967

Pacem in Terris
On Establishing Universal Peace in Truth, Justice, Charity and Liberty
Pope John XXIII
11 April 1963

Mater et Magistra
On Christianity and Social Progress
Pope John XXIII
15 May 1961

Ad Petri Cathedram
On Truth, Unity and Peace in a Spirit of Charity
Pope John XXIII
29 June 1959

Quadragesimo Anno
On Reconstruction of the Social Order
Pope Pius XI
15 May 1931

Quas Primas
On the Feast of Christ the King
Pope Pius XI
11 December 1925

Rerum Novarum
Rights and Duties of Capitol and Labor
Pope Leo XIII
15 May 1891