
July 9, 2017

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The Fourth of July has come and gone. The pools are open. Good thing because it is hot outside.

With all the visitors that come through our doors during the Easter Season not to mention the new neighbors that move into the area on a regular basis, I receive lots of compliments about this parish. People nearly always mention the altar servers and almost as often praise the choirs. They also mention frequently how lovely it is to see people dressed appropriately for Mass. Kudos to you!

The heat of the summer is a fitting time to thank you and to encourage you to continue your good habits throughout the year, even if it means a few more consultations with your children about clothing.

You may know people who have commented on the dress code at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. Even though the approved attire for men looks something like what John Travolta might wear to a disco, the Church is not actually recommending skintight clothing. For us it should be enough to say that “Jackets are optional for gentlemen and women should dress comparably.”

Whether it be for weddings or proms we know that even young people like to dress sharp… at least some of the time.

Holy Mass is a visit to heaven, which Our Lord compared to a wedding banquet. To illustrate how our souls should be prepared for Divine and angelic company, He even referred to and reaffirmed his listeners’ expectations with regard to dress (Matthew 22,1-14). To be sure, glamour is not the question but respect and dignity. St. Peter spoke of how virtue is more important than jewelry (1Peter 3,3-4). St. Paul echoes the same in his first letter to St. Timothy (1Timothy 2,9).

Please keep dressing well and spare me from going into more detail.

God bless you.

Fr. Christopher J. Pollard